Packaging Guidance

The 'Do's' & 'Do Nots' When Packaging Your Parcel

The following information has been supplied courtesy of DHL:

When Packaging your parcel, you should:

When Packaging your parcel, you should not:

Guidance when sending Wooden Packaging, Pallets or Crates

When sending wooden packaging, pallets or crates please note some countries require the wood to be heat treated prior to sending. Wood packaging materials must be debarked prior to being heat treated or fumigated to meet ISPM 15 regulations. The debarking component of the regulation is to prevent the re-infestation of insects while lumber is sitting to be manufactured, or even after it has been manufactured. If this requirement is not met, this could incur delays, fines and possibly declined entry into the country due to the threat made to local eco systems by foreign insects or disease.

Please see the following link for information on which countries have this requirement in place -

Please note, the above does not apply when sending anything made of MDF or plywood.