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I confirm that I have read and agree to the Courier Q Ltd Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
I confirm that I have read through the Prohibited and Restricted Items Lists and am aware that I am not allowed to send any Prohibited Items through Courier Queen and if I send any Restricted Items they are transported on a No-Compensation basis.
I accept that extra charges may be payable at a later date should the Carrier record Weights and/or Dimensions different to those stated.
I confirm I have read the Packaging Guidance.
I confirm that I have read through the Prohibited and Restricted Items Lists and am aware that I am not allowed to send any Prohibited Items through Courier Queen and if I send any Restricted Items they are transported on a No-Compensation basis.
I accept that extra charges may be payable at a later date should the Carrier record Weights and/or Dimensions different to those stated.
I confirm I have read the Packaging Guidance.